Finalist of the Golden Shears Awards 2023

Victoria wins at Golden Shears!

Victoria joined our class of 2022 with no formal previous experience, but a love for meticulous hand craft, a clear idea of what she wanted and determination to achieve that goal. Following her graduation, to nobody’s surprise, she signed with bespoke tailors Samuel Brothers, holders of a Royal Warrant and Tailors to King Charles III. One of her first jobs was to take measurements at Buckingham Palace, in preparation for the King’s coronation in May 2023.

Before she committed herself to her role as tailor to the Royal Household, however, Victoria followed her ambition and entered the 2023 Golden Shears Awards, the famous competition between tailoring students and apprentices, also known as the ‘Oscars of the Tailoring World’. The rest is history: Victoria went on to win the Silver Shears as runner up in a prestigious field of 20 finalists. Following her success at the awards, Victoria reflects on her journey:

“If anyone had told me a couple of years ago that I would be where I am now, I wouldn’t have believed them. To be honest, I still keep pinching myself. Looking back to the time when I made my life-changing decision to apply for a place on the Level 5 Diploma course, I couldn’t have chosen a better path to enter the tailoring world. For me, the ultimate beauty of the course was in the structured way of providing information – something that made it stand out from other options. All of the scattered pieces of knowledge that I gained from so many step-by-step tutorials were topped with bespoke techniques and assembled in a foundation, upon which I can confidently build anything.”

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